Latest Reviews
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close. Faithful book adaptation, interesting take on 9/11, emotional but sugary 7.5/10
Reviewed by TheOexperience
on 17th September 2012
Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists. Not up to W&G standards but it's Aardman so it's better than most things. 8/10
Reviewed by TheOexperience
on 17th September 2012
@Real_Ian_Morris did you read the book? I thought it held pretty true to the story/ effects were OK. not fantastic tho.
Reviewed by twnstar2
on 10th September 2012
Just watched "Hunger Games" .. really slow to get going and was really predictable.. not a great plot or effects.. 5/10 ..
Reviewed by Real_Ian_Morris
on 10th September 2012
Brave (3/5) Animated - Celtic princess wants to go her on way. Nice moral and (hair) rendering, but a little eventless story.
Reviewed by MartinWikner
on 4th September 2012
Just watched 'Man on a Ledge' .. brilliantly written with a great cast.. hope you like heights. A gem of a movie.. 8/10 ..
Reviewed by Real_Ian_Morris
on 29th August 2012
Silent Running (2/5) Sci fi - Man high jacks the last forest space ship. Nice idea, almost no development in characters or story.
Reviewed by MartinWikner
on 28th August 2012
Reviewed by Real_Ian_Morris
on 27th August 2012
In Time (2/5) Sci-fi - Robin Hoodish man fights the police over time currency. Cool political idea, bad pacing and feels shallow.
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Reviewed by MartinWikner
on 16th August 2012
TED - by far the funniest movie of 2012. Family guy fans will love this film. Talking bear causes havoc 9/10
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Reviewed by Minniepk17
on 14th August 2012