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Toy Story 3

44 reviews forToy Story 3 (2010)

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Reviews for Toy Story 3 (44)

"Toy Story 3" was a really sweet movie. I don't understand what made everyone so sad and cry-y.

Toy Story 3. Just brilliant, loved the prison movie aspect, funny, edge-of-seat thrills and heartwarming too. 9/10

Toy Story 3 (2010) **** - Characters such as Big Baby and Ken make TS3 worth seeing.

Salervo Reviewed by Salervo
on 1st November 2010

Watched #Toystory3. Awesome! 7/10

Sasanga Reviewed by Sasanga
on 17th October 2010

Toy Story 3 7/10 - another example of Pixar's grasp on animation.. but... is it needed?

Toy Story 3. 8/10. Super slick, heart warming tale. Well written story and script. 3D effects are not intrusive. The best of the 3?

stu_ Reviewed by stu_
on 16th August 2010

Toy Story 3 8/10

Toy Story 3 - watched in IMAX 3D, great looking, good story but a bit sad. Nice ending, makes you feel like a kid again. 9/10

le_gazman Reviewed by le_gazman
on 14th August 2010

Toy Story 3 - Simply magnificent. Heart-warming, heart-breaking & just a bit scary. A story-telling masterclass. ★★★★★

Toy Story 3 - entertaining pixar magic, tho jessie is the annoying Jar Jar Binks of Toy Story & the ending is awful. 7/10

RhythmUK Reviewed by RhythmUK
on 29th July 2010

Toy Story 3 was brilliant! Pixar have made another funny, multi layered and emotional 5 star film! #film #movie

studarby Reviewed by studarby
on 24th July 2010

Toy Story 3: 4/4. Fantastic in every respect. #yeg #toystory3

matt_bowes Reviewed by matt_bowes
on 11th July 2010

Toy Story 3 will warm your heart. If possible, watch it in 3D.

datipjar Reviewed by datipjar
on 10th July 2010

Toy Story 3 in 3D is stunning, deep story arc.

wiseleo Reviewed by wiseleo
on 1st July 2010

has both a silly grin & puffy just-cried eyes on my face, thanks to TOY STORY 3. Everything a movie should be... just brilliant.

Ketzigirl Reviewed by Ketzigirl
on 1st July 2010

‘Toy Story 3′ is a funny, touching and most excellent farewell to the characters we’ve come to know and love...

disony Reviewed by disony
on 28th June 2010

Toy Story 3 - A great way to wrap up one of the best trilogies. Too dark and scary for kids. Big Baby will haunt my nightmares. 9/10

Camdun_Roar Reviewed by Camdun_Roar
on 27th June 2010

#toystory3 is awesome ... wow ... perfectly done! 4/5.

joe73K Reviewed by joe73K
on 27th June 2010

TOY STORY 3 (2010). Directed by Lee Unkrich. Theatre. 10/10 | #movie

bradschjoth Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 25th June 2010

Toy Story 3 teach us how to appreciate every little thing we had. In this movie, our childhood toys

Toy Story 3 was great. 10 out of 10.

Kahnefan98 Reviewed by Kahnefan98
on 24th June 2010

Toy Story 3 is effn' genius.

ChrisEnnest Reviewed by ChrisEnnest
on 23rd June 2010

: Toy Story 3 3D was excellent but the 3D glasses were kind of a dick. (I liked the Sony ones I saw at E3 way more)

cjamico Reviewed by cjamico
on 23rd June 2010

: toy story 3: 9/10 it's obvious pixar has been working on this for years. absolutely fantastic!

zoczanuj Reviewed by zoczanuj
on 22nd June 2010

Toy Story 3: fun, touching, surprisingly dark at times! I admit it, I cried.. a truly great ending to the trilogy, so good!!

kagrrakid Reviewed by kagrrakid
on 22nd June 2010

Toy Story 3-10/10-Best movie of the year so far and perhaps Pixar's finest achievement.

filmguy12 Reviewed by filmguy12
on 21st June 2010

Toy Story 3: So much eye candy & a beautifully written story with all of our favorite toys. An instant nostalgic classic for everyone. 10/10

Toy Story 3: I could nitpick (one too many sneaking scenes, etc), but...just a great movie. Pixar is infallible. 8 (almost .5)/10, top 100.

Teddroe Reviewed by Teddroe
on 21st June 2010

IMDb rating for Toy Story 3: 9.4/10... Amazing!!!

loved Toy Story 3... worth the 10 year wait? YES!

jimmcelvar Reviewed by jimmcelvar
on 21st June 2010

'Toy Story 3': 1'000,000/1'000,000 >> no paras de reir !!, Buzz es un crack, se la lleva !! , special tks to Steve Jobs :)

JoseManuelT Reviewed by JoseManuelT
on 21st June 2010

Pixar does it again and again. "Toy Story 3" is an impossible triumph that's potentially greater that both its precursors. 9.9/10

AndrewIndie Reviewed by AndrewIndie
on 21st June 2010

Toy Story 3 was a fantastic cap to a fantastic franchise. Clever, quick & immensely entertaining for any age! Another rare 10/10! #bt88REVUE

bt88 Reviewed by bt88
on 21st June 2010

Toy Story 3 was awesome! 10/10

AmritGrewal Reviewed by AmritGrewal
on 21st June 2010

Toy Story 3 (10 Unkrich B+): Suffers from familiarity and a little SHREK-like humor. But mostly clever & very funny, occasionally sublime.

mattnoller Reviewed by mattnoller
on 21st June 2010

#toystory3 10/10 a great way to close out the best trilogy of all time. Great characters. Great story. Overall great. #pixar

Kfunk2020 Reviewed by Kfunk2020
on 20th June 2010

: "Toy Story 3" (2010) [2.5/4] Entertaining. A good follow-up to 2 earlier films. Fun new characters. Climax=PG, not G. #movies

jmvarner Reviewed by jmvarner
on 20th June 2010

Toy Story 3 is awesome! classic pixar stuff 4/5

badex Reviewed by badex
on 20th June 2010

Toy story 3: best animation film this year, or even ever! Cried more than 3 times!

misstrigg Reviewed by misstrigg
on 20th June 2010

toy story 3: triumph in storytelling, pixar does it again. pray for a fourth.

Toy Story 3, as good as you think it is, the barrel of monkeys weapon is too funny, made me laugh out loud a lot

MovieJuv Reviewed by MovieJuv
on 19th June 2010

Gives 4,5 outta 5 stars to Toy Story 3. Breathtaking adventure and very grown up story. Must watch!

cheetz Reviewed by cheetz
on 19th June 2010

"Very funny and Very heartfelt" My #ToyStory3

Toy Stoy 3 in 3D! 4.5 of 5 stars. Another fun adventure with Woody and the gang! As a Uberfan I was a little disappointed.

JuniorCase Reviewed by JuniorCase
on 18th June 2010