10 reviews forThe Wrestler (2008)
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Reviews for The Wrestler (10)
The Wrestler. Enjoyed it far more than I expected, actually a very sad film, Rourke superb 8/10
Reviewed by TheOexperience
on 30th January 2012
The Wrestler is such a good film.
Reviewed by Jbrapshaw
on 1st April 2011
: The Wrestler (2008), Directing=8, Acting=9, Recollection=6, Technical=8, Screenplay=7 -> DARTS=7.6
Reviewed by MovieDARTS
on 24th August 2010
: The Wrestler was good but the ending was kind of a dick. (Spoiler: in my mind he hit the mat & died instantly. I'll end it.)
Reviewed by cjamico
on 8th April 2010
The Wrestler - Bleak movie. Not sure there's anything redeeming about it. Mickey Rourke was very good though. 6/10
Reviewed by admoman
on 22nd October 2009
The Wrestler 8/10 Mickey Rourke is great in this drama about a struggling wrestler past his prime. Sorta depressing tho.
Reviewed by SeriousStu
on 13th September 2009
The Wrestler is quite a heartwarming movie, I liked it. Good cast and some charming and funny moments too. 8/10
Reviewed by le_gazman
on 20th August 2009
The Wrestler- Dont normally like sad films but this is well worth watching. Rourke is on top form, one of those films you have to watch 8/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 22nd July 2009
The Wrestler. Even if you don't like wrestling.
Reviewed by SimonKeep
on 19th June 2009
the wrestler - bit slow for my taste, decent story but great acting by rourke, only rentable for some 6/10
Reviewed by _B_en
on 7th June 2009