35 reviews forThe Hangover (2009)
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Reviews for The Hangover (35)
[open wk] - "The Hangover Part III", "Fast & Furious 6", "Epic" http://t.co/IMAUNWEGA0
Reviewed by JonnMcDaniel
on 24th May 2013
Just watched 'The Hangover 2' .. just not as good as the first movie.. this time the guy's wake up in Bangkok .. 5/10 ..
Reviewed by Real_Ian_Morris
on 5th January 2012
The Hangover Part II-A good film but not as funny as the first. The monkey and Zach Galifianakis steal the show! 7/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 1st June 2011
Just watched The Hangover. Mildly amusing. The baby jokes did nothing for me whatsoever. Give it a miss. 5/10
Reviewed by adoran2
on 18th October 2010
The Hangover had it's moments but not worth the hype! 6/10 #film #movie
Reviewed by studarby
on 10th July 2010
"the hangover" finally saw it. defiantly funny but did have some deus ex machina
Reviewed by megdryden
on 12th June 2010
My fav film atm has to be The Hangover. :)
Reviewed by Nehapatel123
on 9th April 2010
The Hangover-8/10-Manages to be consistently hilarious (until the last act, that is). Great performances from the three leads.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 8th March 2010
The Hangover: Don't quite see what all the hype was about. Not as funny or clever as everyone says but i did laugh a few times.
Reviewed by gralinnaea
on 8th February 2010
I saw The Hangover, it was awesome.. Haha, very funny. Makes me want a beer.. And to go to Vegas.. :)
Reviewed by L8teRz
on 6th January 2010
Just watched 'The Hangover' ... really funny road movie with a twist ... took a bit to get going but worth it ... 6/10
Reviewed by Real_Ian_Morris
on 17th December 2009
The Hangover 8/10 funny, fast paced comedy. nice casting too. doug's brother in law is hillarious
Reviewed by tom4mos
on 20th September 2009
Hangover is a very very funny movie :) #movie #hangover
Reviewed by williamli1983
on 1st August 2009
Hangover 7.5/10 Not the best comedy ive seen, not the worst either. I think i expected to much about this one. #movie
Reviewed by paul_andrew
on 26th July 2009
The Hangover 8/10. This is some funny shit. It holds up all the way through.
Reviewed by vaiav
on 26th July 2009
The hangover was okay. Not as funny as ally friends said it would be. 6/10 maybe 6.5/10
Reviewed by Ambidexterous
on 11th July 2009
The Hangover 7/10 The funniest part is the credits, it has a fair few laughs per minute but not gut busting. It's cameo central
Reviewed by davymacca
on 6th July 2009
The Hangover - A great movie, very funny. 4 guys go nuts in Vegas and cant remember a thing, they try to piece the night back together, 8/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 2nd July 2009
"The Hangover" 9/10 (One movie to watch when you need to have some good laughs! A nice comedy indeed!)
Reviewed by manuelmarque
on 29th June 2009
So, The Hangover. Watchable, but instantly forgetable. Just not funny enough. A few chuckle moments but no real laughs.
Reviewed by incongruousm
on 21st June 2009
If you haven't seen Hangover, go see it. Incredibly funny! I feel hungover after watching it :) #hangover
Reviewed by wiseleo
on 21st June 2009
So The Hangover is actually funny, all the way through the credits. Thumbs Up. Sh**, did I just violate a trademark?!
Reviewed by craig_johnson
on 20th June 2009
Hangover, all hype, 2.5 men sitcom funny. Guys nite in flick that is almost epic. 6/10
Reviewed by sebonamission
on 17th June 2009
Just saw the #Hangover w/the wife. We LOAO. Ranks up there w/the greats - like Animal House. #movies
Reviewed by Lammerding
on 16th June 2009
: The #Hangover. Very funny, lotsa laughs. Love Bradley Cooper and the round bearded guy is awesome. Go see it. 4/5.
Reviewed by mymoviereviews
on 10th June 2009
#TheHangover weak characters, lame toilet jokes, not very creative film's resulution - but a darn cute baby )
Reviewed by BabsiS
on 7th June 2009
"The Hangover" 3.75 out of 5 Gives new life to the phrase whatever happens in Veags stays in Vegas. Funny! Not a date movie!
Reviewed by JuniorCase
on 6th June 2009
The Hangover = actually pretty damn funny... definitely a pleasant surprise
Reviewed by sdemed
on 6th June 2009
The Hangover [2009, Phillips] 9/10 #movie #film
Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 6th June 2009
You all need to see "The Hangover" post haste.
Reviewed by scottywazz
on 6th June 2009
Todd Phillips's "The Hangover" is basically "Old School 2"
Reviewed by villagevoice
on 5th June 2009
Away We Go, The Hangover, Land Of The Lost Comedies take over this week
Reviewed by Tray115
on 5th June 2009
saw 'the hangover' tonight. it was pretty funny although zach galifianakis basically carried the film with his comic genius. 7.5/10
Reviewed by witchcult
on 2nd June 2009
The Hangover - Dull, unfunny, unoriginal film about comedy of errors that don't make a single laugh. Failure thy name is Todd Phillips. 1/10
Reviewed by EthanRunt
on 1st June 2009
'Hangover' contender for film turkey of the year 2009, Mike Tyson being funny... give me strength!! 0/10
Reviewed by StephenWinfield
on 31st May 2009