42 reviews forTerminator Salvation (2009)
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Reviews for Terminator Salvation (42)
Terminator Salvation B+
Reviewed by Fowl2
on 2nd January 2011
Terminator Salvation 7/10 Its not the bad film everyone made it out to be. Should have less Bale but more Worthington
Reviewed by davymacca
on 29th January 2010
- Terminator Salvation - bit confusing, still nowhere near the heights of the 1st 2, but way better than 3. Cool Arnie bit
Reviewed by jimitaylor
on 21st December 2009
Terminator Salvation 5/10 Cool action but average plot makes a boring watch. Didn't care about John. CG Arnie was funny.
Reviewed by SeriousStu
on 22nd September 2009
Terminator Salvation 4/10 As bad as I thought it would be. Some action scenes were good.
Reviewed by ihart
on 18th September 2009
Terminator Salvation-4/10-Has potential, but squanders it with a confusing script, wooden performances, and no one to root for.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 7th September 2009
Terminator Salvation- Not as bad as people made it out to be, more of a war movie than a terminator sequel but still well worth a watch 7/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 2nd July 2009
Terminator... Not bad, but seemed to be missing something the other 3 had. 6/10
Reviewed by theknickermafia
on 2nd July 2009
Terminator: Salvation - effects in search of a plausible rationale smothered in stupid with explosion sauce. Crap.
Reviewed by YoungIskander
on 23rd June 2009
Terminator Salvation 7/10. A very entertaining post apocalyptic movie. But seriously, Bale is only the 2nd lead.
Reviewed by saint_anderson
on 23rd June 2009
Terminator Salvation was a mess. Script, plot, directing all a mess. Even Bale looks bad. Some ok action in places though. 4/10
Reviewed by incongruousm
on 17th June 2009
: Terminator:Salvation. Pretty confusing and very dark. Seemed a bit cheesy at times Bale is better as Batman. Good action. 2/5
Reviewed by mymoviereviews
on 10th June 2009
Terminator Salvation 8/10. I was truly entertained. Really great special effects. The only bad thing was Mr Bale's bad acting.
Reviewed by vaiav
on 9th June 2009
Terminator Review - great explosions and action, lack of character development, but a pretty good movie - 7/10
Reviewed by tom_clay
on 8th June 2009
saw T4 tonight, CGI was cool but was pretty disappointed by story & acting. actually thought it was boring. Needed more GnRs
Reviewed by emersony
on 8th June 2009
Terminator Salvation : great visual animation! The story it self is just ok
Reviewed by AureLLio
on 6th June 2009
Review-Terminator Salvation: the funny guy from StarTrek is in it... But tries to be serious. Big fight mimics T2 which is good & bad. 7/10
Reviewed by CamBarker
on 5th June 2009
Just saw Terminator Salvation. If you disable your higher brain functions it's an enjoyable action movie. I give it a 7/10.
Reviewed by milmot
on 5th June 2009
Terminator Salvation freakin rocked 8/10 and had some nice homages to the original movies.
Reviewed by andrewmcphee
on 5th June 2009
:: Terminator Salvation = 6.9/10
Reviewed by MoeRoc
on 2nd June 2009
thought that Terminator Salvation scored a 6/10. It is okay, but can't match the thrills of Sarah Connor series. Lower your expectations :P
Reviewed by erlern
on 1st June 2009
7 out of 10 for Terminator Salvation
Reviewed by HerbSommerfeld
on 1st June 2009
saw Terminator: Salvation yesterday...crap script+crap directing+christian bale's Dark Knight voice = Shitty movie...save your $10.50
Reviewed by 137design
on 31st May 2009
Terminator Salvation: one of those movies that gets better the bigger the screen and the louder the sound. Definitely worth watching. 7/10
Reviewed by janurschel
on 31st May 2009
Terminator: Salvation....7/10 Good action and CG, but the story? meh!
Reviewed by 4ftermath
on 28th May 2009
Terminator 4 - why does a robot need a beating muscle in it's metal body? sigh, they obviously never thought it through.
Reviewed by Jayemmcee
on 28th May 2009
Terminator Salvation - 9/10
Reviewed by RamRizzle
on 27th May 2009
Terminator: Salvation... 6/10, wait for dvd. Sound effects were amazing. Acting and story, decent. Everything else, below average.
Reviewed by dorfeater
on 27th May 2009
Terminator Salvation was a solid movie but not great. 7 / 10 - about on par with #Wolverine
Reviewed by JustinEdmead
on 27th May 2009
Terminator: Salvation= 9/10 Some parts too unrealistic. Action was awesome, and story was believable.
Reviewed by thehos19
on 24th May 2009
The new Terminator was a pretty good action movie, but it was hard to enjoy it when they gave away everything in the trailer.
Reviewed by karstendick
on 23rd May 2009
: Terminator Salvation - 3/10
Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 22nd May 2009
Terminator Salvation - 5/10: A BLAH story, but thankfully it's accompanied by great action and special effects
Reviewed by DocBowser1079
on 21st May 2009
Saw Terminator Salvation last night at midnight. I give it a 3.5 outta 5. If only a few things were different and it would've been gold.
Reviewed by CivilianPanic
on 21st May 2009
Terminator Salvation lacked action. Not sure if I'am going to recommend this one.
Reviewed by ArmandoGutierez
on 21st May 2009
Terminator: Salvation was awesome. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a really good action movie
Reviewed by skyablaze
on 21st May 2009
Terminator Salvation was pretty good, a little dry at times but it was still good. 7 out of 10
Reviewed by Rickula
on 21st May 2009
Terminator Salvation: 7/10
Reviewed by gentillalli
on 21st May 2009
(Sigh) It was as I feared. Terminator Salvation could have been great, but was more like a bunch of scenes glued together.
Reviewed by TrailerAddict
on 21st May 2009
terminator salvation was amazing!!! BEST MOVIE OF THE SUMMER 10/10 i highly doubt any other movie this year will top it. MUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed by spiderfreak182
on 21st May 2009
Terminator Salvation was good. I don't think the robots understand paradoxes though, or they could've ended this thing. I'd give it 8/10.
Reviewed by JGlidden
on 21st May 2009
Terminator: Salvation = 8/10. Stellar cast and wonderful filming. Movie didn't delve deep enough into the philosophy of Terminator. At all.
Reviewed by Stevezie
on 21st May 2009