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Shutter Island

27 reviews forShutter Island (2010)

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Reviews for Shutter Island (27)

Shutter Island 8/10 A great film although I found it confusing at the end. Dark, emotive and compelling. Excellent color & contrast

Shutter Island 8/10 Scorsese sets the tone perfectly here. Feels like a proper film noir. Some great acting too.

ihart Reviewed by ihart
on 16th August 2010

"Shutter Island" wasn't as scary as i thought it would be as i knew the twist before i watched it. Ben Kingsley!

megdryden Reviewed by megdryden
on 16th August 2010

Shutter Island - 7/10. Too obvious, but still good. DiCaprio's got skill. The end was unique though, and leaves you thinking.

deltarx Reviewed by deltarx
on 7th August 2010

Just watched 'Shutter Island' .. a very clever mystery set in the 1950's on an island.. very well written .. 8/10 ..

Shutter Island - 9/10. Magnifique, builds tension throughout, great directing and music. Leo is on top form, perfect role for him

Shutter Island-Quite slow in places but gripping thriller with Leonardo DiCaprio. Will give your brain a good work over! 8/10

markymark34 Reviewed by markymark34
on 9th July 2010

Shutter Island: a very textural movie. A bit slow, and somewhat stilted but ending makes it worth it. 3/5

Shutter Island 7/10

grumpymandj Reviewed by grumpymandj
on 1st July 2010

#Shutter Island > one of the best movies hv seen this year... awesome direction.. #DiCaprio at its best... must watch..

harshsaraogi Reviewed by harshsaraogi
on 1st June 2010

#Shutter Island, period thriller with killer ending. Unsettled viewing. 7/10,

Shutter Island - Tense psychological action in a 1950s prison for the criminally insane. Kept me hooked throughout ★★★★✩

x3player Reviewed by x3player
on 3rd April 2010

Shutter Island - Dark, creepy & predictable till 3rd act. Distracting music. Decent effort far from Scorsese's best ★★★✩✩

Shutter Island - Dark, creepy & predictable till 3rd act. Distracting music. Decent effort far from Scorsese's best ★★★★✩

Shutter Island - servicable performances in the main but somewhat predictable & pretty dull. Scorcese's done FAAAR better. 5/10

takerdemon Reviewed by takerdemon
on 14th March 2010

Standard with mark, at the first shutter island showing @cineworld...quite a few people here. Guess they decided to miss uni too

hannahbk Reviewed by hannahbk
on 12th March 2010

Shutter Island-8.5/10-A psychological thriller that's complicated and lengthy, but worth it. Another hit for Scorsese and Leo.

filmguy12 Reviewed by filmguy12
on 7th March 2010

"Shutter Island" still confused what the movie's trying to deliver, and the music was quite terrifying, but it was good..

Shutter Island #Film story I found uninvolving. Gothic aspirations unsupported by clear heroes to understand & root for.

#ShutterIsland was ok/average. Had creepy moments, storyline was a bit 2predictable 4my taste. DiCaprio was great though.

BabsiS Reviewed by BabsiS
on 2nd March 2010

: Shutter Island- well-made psych suspense (Scorsese aft all), but no like movies that pull rug out fr under ya 2/3 way thru. =(

SHUTTER ISLAND (2010). Directed by Martin Scorsese. Theatre. 6/10 | #movie

Shutter Island, better than some reviews tell us, but far from Scorsese's best work. 3.5/5

"Shutter Island" : Pack an extra set of dry clothes and always bring along your own cigarettes & aspirin. In Wide release today.

I'm seeing Shutter Island in a couple hours & have steered clear of reviews. I still don't know how I feel about it in general.

Martin Scorsese's SHUTTER ISLAND releases today. Even though it isn't a sequel, CAPE FEAR is still one of his craziest films.

Shutter Island 9/10 Scorcese on top form with this twisting thriller with a sting in the tail. The work of a master!!!