35 reviews forMoon (2009)
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Reviews for Moon (35)
'Moon' ~ Good concept, pacing a bit slow. 6/10
Reviewed by RebeccaFH
on 30th June 2010
Moon - 9/10 - yes. very like this film. Like Silent Running but more luner.
Reviewed by ghardman
on 30th April 2010
- Moon - wasn't as clever or atmospheric as I'd expected, in fact it was a bit dull, but then I did watch it on a plane
Reviewed by jimitaylor
on 21st April 2010
#Moon is Primer meets Solaris. Great sci-fi film & Sam Rockwell's best performance to date.
Reviewed by ABHokie
on 12th April 2010
- #Moon by Director Duncan Jones - A near perfect sci fi flick in the tradition of 2001. Eerie, thought provoking. ****
Reviewed by gcam77
on 23rd March 2010
Finished watching Moon - it's an odd film, but very well made considering the budget. Highly Reccomended.
Reviewed by ialexanderhill
on 31st January 2010
Moon. 8/10. Excellent film with great music, acting and Red Dwarf style models.
Reviewed by eddequincey
on 6th January 2010
Moon 8.5/10 It has a wonderful old school feel. Sam Rockwell is fantastic. A very beautiful, thoughtful but gripping film
Reviewed by davymacca
on 2nd January 2010
Moon 7.5/10. Nicely paced drama sci-fi with a GREAT performance by Sam Rockwell. He at least deserves an Oscar nomination.
Reviewed by saint_anderson
on 16th November 2009
Moon 7/10 Original and well made. It was slow in that good way.
Reviewed by vaiav
on 8th November 2009
#moon : wonderful pace, on par with "Solaris" (both) with a breakout tough performance by Sam Rockwell. One of this years best.
Reviewed by demis
on 26th October 2009
MOON (2009). Directed by Duncan Jones. DVD-Rip. 9/10 | #movie
Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 24th October 2009
Twitter needs a . Go and buy Moon (Directed by David Bowie's son. Space oddity, ironic.)
Reviewed by oliver5893
on 9th October 2009
"Moon" 8/10, funny, inspiring and sad in equal measures. Stylish with a great performance from Sam Rockwell.
Reviewed by huwlangridge
on 14th August 2009
Moon **** very reminiscent of Dark Star/Silent Running and Space1999 sets. Great plot and feeling. See it. Good work Duncan.
Reviewed by davidburden
on 5th August 2009
Moon was really good. I enjoyed it completely. Lots of great imagery, score was well done, good story. Go see it
Reviewed by ronji
on 2nd August 2009
Moon. 6.5/10. Thrilling personal introspection in an lightly Kafkaesque, twisting lunar tale. Interesting but not for everyone.
Reviewed by stu_
on 2nd August 2009
Moon was excellent. See it. Rockwell great, idea great. Really liked it. 9/10.
Reviewed by incongruousm
on 27th July 2009
Moon 8/10 Brilliantly subtle drama in space. It feels real and nothing is rushed. Good music and Rockwell is ace.
Reviewed by ihart
on 23rd July 2009
Moon- With Sam Rockwell. Its quite slow paced but not in any way predictable, Scifi movie based on the moon, well worth finding this, 7/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 22nd July 2009
gives #Moon 5 stars. A perfectly formed little film. It left me completely satisfied.Sam Rockwell is amazing.
Reviewed by ChadLDN
on 22nd July 2009
Saw 'Moon' last night. For once the reviews have it right - an original and perfect little film which doesn't make a single misstep. 9/10
Reviewed by FoolishEarthlng
on 22nd July 2009
moon film review: 8/10
Reviewed by thegidster
on 21st July 2009
Moon (8/10) - Sam Rockwell was excellent as expected. Slightly predictable, but also mysterious and slightly open-ended.
Reviewed by MulcahyTron
on 20th July 2009
Moon - The Truman Show in space. Excellent acting and music. A good first half but once the "mystery" is solved, the steam runs out. 6.75/10
Reviewed by Camdun_Roar
on 20th July 2009
Saw Moon: http://bit.ly/p9tZ . Very short review: elegant but not over-slick good solid scifi. Movie: 7.5, Sam Rockwell's performance: 10+
Reviewed by noamsc
on 20th July 2009
Saw http://www.sonyclassics.com/moon I give it 9.5 moon boots out of 10. I could watch Sam Rockwell read the paper for 90min be happy. :)
Reviewed by govegandotnet
on 19th July 2009
just watched Moon. What a fantastic film. 9/10 - Cornerhouse - http://bkite.com/09JL2
Reviewed by PhilNaughton
on 18th July 2009
You can't beat a post midnight trip to the cinema on a lazy night. And Moon was surprisingly excellent. I give it 4 Lunar Landers out of 5.
Reviewed by bigplateofchips
on 18th July 2009
saw the film MOON its fantastic a really good watch and i definetly recomend it i would give it 5 stars, the best film i have seen this year
Reviewed by Ewan1876
on 17th July 2009
Moon - 4.5 out of 5 - A great throwback which borrows from other movies but ultimatley stands on its own - 7/15/09
Reviewed by ChrisMartinCSV
on 16th July 2009
i recommend everyone go and see "moon" with sam rockwell. 10/10 great indie film.
Reviewed by gr33nlant3rn13
on 15th July 2009
I'd give Moon a 4.5 out of 5. :)
Reviewed by Isikins
on 13th July 2009
Moon was pretty good, didn't rock my socks off though. #lastnightsnetflix
Reviewed by brian_d_oneal
on 6th July 2009
#Moon was awesome! Amazing acting, did some really interesting things with familiar sci-fi themes, and just beautiful to watch
Reviewed by lipstickcanary
on 2nd July 2009