FilmReviewFriday - Tweet-sized film reviews from Twitter

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FilmReviewFriday is a place for you to share your tweet-sized film reviews via Twitter. You can review any film, any time and say anything.

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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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All (21) Reviews from @Raro79

romanzo di una strage 8/10 #film

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 2nd May 2012

la kriptonite nella borsa 6/10 #film

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 14th April 2012


Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 23rd March 2012

chi non salta bianco e' 7/10 #film

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 22nd March 2012

Miracolo a Le Havre 7/10 a #film by #aky #Kaurismaky

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 22nd March 2012

the warrior 8/10 #film

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 22nd March 2012

mystic river 9/10 #film by #clinteastwood #review

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 4th March 2012

welcome 7/10 #film #review

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 3rd March 2012

le idi di marzo / the ides of march 5/10 #film #review

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 3rd March 2012

the fighter 8/10 #film #review

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 29th February 2012

Faccio un salto all'Avana 4/10 #Film

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 15th February 2012

This must be the place 6/10 #Film

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 15th February 2012

La passione 5/10 #Film

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 15th February 2012

Rio 5/10 #Film

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 15th February 2012

The squid and the whale / Il calamaro e la balena 8/10 #Film

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 15th February 2012

L'alba del pianeta delle scimmie 7/10

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 12th February 2012

Terraferma 7/10 Italia..italiani..immigirati

Raro79 Reviewed by Raro79
on 6th February 2012