4 reviews forTotal Recall (1990)
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Reviews for Total Recall (4)
Total Recall-8/10-Relentlessly violent, but very entertaining sci-fi thriller. Fantastic special effects.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 2nd March 2012
Total Recall-Being remade this year with Colin Farrell, it had better be good! The original is an Arnie classic 8.5/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 4th July 2011
Total Recall-One of Arnies best action movies, he heads to mars to piece together his true identity. They dont make them like this any more!
Reviewed by markymark34
on 27th August 2009
Total Recall 8/10. Ultra violent Sci-Fi mind fudge with good ol' Arnie. Sharon Stone's a fox and the miniature FX are rad!
Reviewed by SeriousStu
on 6th July 2009