12 reviews forThe Ugly Truth (2009)
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Reviews for The Ugly Truth (12)
The Ugly Truth-4/10-Lacking in laughs and logic, despite a talented cast.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 7th May 2010
The Ugly Truth - Rom Com with Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler, Butler is very funny in places, decent story but nothing new 7/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 7th February 2010
the ugly truth, 7/10 funny movie, yet nothing special. Definetly seeable
Reviewed by treibercc
on 17th December 2009
The Ugly Truth ( 2 out of 5) Pretty Ugly
Reviewed by GregoryLBailey
on 28th July 2009
Saw the ugly truth I have to say it was better then I expected. 3.5 out of 5.
Reviewed by Mattbachus
on 28th July 2009
The Ugly Truth, rom.comedy that says it's ok for guys to be guys, a win-win for both genders, crass yet touchy feely, good stuff
Reviewed by jjuvenal
on 27th July 2009
Saw "The Ugly Truth" over the weekend. Didn't love it.
Reviewed by WesternPATexan
on 27th July 2009
just got done watching "the ugly truth" kinda predictable but it made me LOL soooo 3 out of 5 stars from me )
Reviewed by iroktherunway
on 27th July 2009
Saw The Ugly Truth Last Night! It was a 10! See it! Love it! See it! Love!
Reviewed by Sharon805
on 26th July 2009
"The Ugly Truth" 2.5 out of 5 Stars Cute. Not a lot of substance. Funny at parts. Not too comfortable watching with 5 girls.
Reviewed by JuniorCase
on 26th July 2009
Saw a movie yesterday, The Ugly Truth. Very funny movie, but definietely not for 15 and under, yikes! I'd give it 3.75 stars out of 5
Reviewed by friendnFL
on 26th July 2009
"The Ugly Truth". 1st half: good with some twists. 2nd half: predictable romcom which kinda ruins it. I give it 3 out of 5.
Reviewed by timburtmedia
on 22nd July 2009