9 reviews forThe Other Guys (2010)
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Reviews for The Other Guys (9)
The Other Guys-At times really funny but ultimately a poor story and not enough jokes. 5.5/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 22nd May 2011
- The Other Guys - 8/10. hard hitting testosterone fueled masculine cop cliches + Will Farrell = funny.
Reviewed by richardstelmach
on 14th February 2011
The Other Guys - 4/10 - Will Ferrell is still really funny, but the movie dragged on for far too long.
Reviewed by Danbo
on 16th October 2010
The Other Guys: run of the mill comedy. Don't think it works-not one of #Will Ferrell's best moments IMO 5/10
Reviewed by minniepk17
on 23rd September 2010
Expendables was quite lame leh watch for action not plot. But The Other Guys is awesome!
Reviewed by seednreach
on 29th August 2010
The Other Guys - Some funny moments stuck to that same damn underdog cop movie plot we've been watching since time began. 5/10
Reviewed by CriscoFur
on 24th August 2010
The Other Guys is awesome! Unlike those sucky Jason Segal/Seth Rogan flicks. #movies #theotherguys #moviesthatsuck #comedy
Reviewed by bigalienmonkey
on 18th August 2010
"The Other Guys" 2.5 of 5 stars. Movie starts off with a bang but ultimately fizzles out. Funny moments. Great one liners.
Reviewed by JuniorCase
on 11th August 2010
The Other Guys-4/10-An incomprehensible, mostly unfunny mess. Big disappointment from the guys that made Anchorman.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 7th August 2010