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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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The International

8 reviews forThe International (2009)

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Reviews for The International (8)

The International-7.5/10-Engaging throughout, even if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

The International - Clive Owen in a long winded and confusing movie about a dodgy bank. Has an excellent shoot out scene but overall dull 5

The International 7/10. Not as much Action as I was expecting. And that was a good thing. More of a story based movie.

vaiav Reviewed by vaiav
on 4th July 2009

"The international" 5/10 (Good concept, very poor argument and details)

lxvr Reviewed by lxvr
on 28th June 2009

The international, Clive owen love that guy! great build up but flat endin bit 2old country 4 me. 6.5/10

The International 8/10 a cross between James Bond and Bourne. Well made and good acting. a good all rounder

sidonaldson Reviewed by sidonaldson
on 1st May 2009

The International, summarized: It's hard to take down a company that has your details and mother's maiden name.

sangsara Reviewed by sangsara
on 27th April 2009

Ha, how about 140 character ? "The international" - "implausable". Or is that a one word movie review?