15 reviews forThe Book of Eli (2010)
Reviews for The Book of Eli (15)
The Book of Eli-Denzel Washington tries to get a book across the country in a post-apocalyptic story. Very slow, nothing new here 6
Reviewed by markymark34
on 12th September 2010
Just watched The Book of Eli. If you havent, do. Densel Washington is superb. Post-apocolyptic action, with a good story to tell
Reviewed by repotia
on 9th August 2010
The Book of Eli-7/10-The performances (most notably Denzel Washington) make the film worth seeing.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 28th June 2010
Book of Eli (3/5) Postapocalyptic - Lonewolf fights evil men while guided by book. Visually great, but corny/religious.
Reviewed by MartinWikner
on 24th June 2010
Finally home! Just watchd "The Book of Eli" w/ pacar. That was a good movie and quiet unpredictable. 7/10
Reviewed by cherrysutrisna
on 21st April 2010
Gives 3,25 outta 5 stars to The Book of Eli. Like the twist and the morale of the story
Reviewed by cheetz
on 18th April 2010
The Book of Eli - mediocre movie, nice.. but mediocre. Still, Mila Kunis kicks ass! And she's hot, smokin' hot !! #babereview
Reviewed by TomInc
on 22nd March 2010
The #book of #Eli, beutifully filmed pistache of max max/end of world/western cliches. No plot but enjoyable. 4/10,
Reviewed by sebonamission
on 7th March 2010
Btw Book of Eli was good, some parts weren't needed but was a good movie overall.
Reviewed by YungBrickz
on 1st February 2010
Book of Eli is boring, without a story nd complete waste of time... I'm goin off to sleep. I'm tired after watchin it....
Reviewed by LordBlade
on 31st January 2010
go take ya azz's to see "Book of Eli" best movie I've seen in min #realtalk
Reviewed by coolazzkid
on 26th January 2010
The Book of Eli - Denzel does not say a lot, violent action does the talking. Enjoyable even if depressing prophecy. ★★★✩✩
Reviewed by x3player
on 24th January 2010
Book of Eli, good mix of after-the-bomb harsh reality with plausible super hero fun added in, like those old spaghetti westerns
Reviewed by MovieJuv
on 20th January 2010
THE BOOK OF ELI Entertaining, if slow, post apocalyptic drama. Visually inventive yet overly-reliant on familiar landscapes. 3/5
Reviewed by cylon_centurion
on 19th January 2010
The Book of Eli - Denzel walks. And walks. A violent post-cataclysmic pilgrimage. Visually striking, clunky in places ★★★✩✩
Reviewed by incongruousm
on 18th January 2010