4 reviews forSunshine (2007)
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Reviews for Sunshine (4)
City of Angels+Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind+The matrix reloaded = The Adjusment Bureau 6/10 too much for a love story
Reviewed by thininki
on 2nd July 2011
Sunshine-2001 style Sci-fi movie which is brilliantly made, slow but keeps you interested right to the end. With Cillian Murphy 8/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 28th March 2010
Sunshine-3/10-Completely incomprehensible thriller/action/horror/whatever.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 8th March 2010
Saw film Sunshine (2007) last night. Interesting plot, random story. Wouldn't recommend unless you're a big Danny Boyle fan. 2/5
Reviewed by simon_marshall
on 9th December 2009