31 reviews forHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
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Reviews for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (31)
: hphalfblood prince: 8.0 i think the hp books should have been a tv series, they're having trouble working w/ intricacies
Reviewed by zoczanuj
on 15th July 2010
Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince 7/10. Liked this one too. Some really good looking scenes.
Reviewed by saint_anderson
on 2nd November 2009
Harry Potter & Half-Blood Prince: Not too bad, but not a revelation. Ron, Malfoy, Snape, Slughorn far better acting than Harry.
Reviewed by svenrudloff
on 11th August 2009
HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE (2009). Directed by David Yates. Drive-in theatre. 7/10 | #movie
Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 8th August 2009
Harry potter, slow long and bit pointless. Only worth watching if seen other movies! 6/10.
Reviewed by sebonamission
on 4th August 2009
With a lousy script and slapdash editing, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" can only be comprehended by dedicated fans.
Reviewed by karstendick
on 31st July 2009
Harry Potter & tHBP: Essentially an intake of breath before the finale, but visually dazzling and well produced throughout
Reviewed by MichaelFarrow
on 27th July 2009
Harry Potter never fails to impress. An engrossing movie that suspends disbelief and a showcase for VFX #harrypotter
Reviewed by wiseleo
on 25th July 2009
Harry Potter 6 is a great addition. Plot filled, great looking & well paced. Tough book to adapt. Ending lacked any real bite
Reviewed by incongruousm
on 21st July 2009
Harry Potter 6> Was this movie about the half-blood prince and the search for truth or about how HS relationships suck? 2.5/5
Reviewed by moriendi
on 20th July 2009
@atthemoviestv Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince-8.5/10-A worthy addition to the series also, the most visually impressive HP film.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 20th July 2009
"Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" 6/10 (Ok movie... the book was not easy to adapt...movie very focused on the relationships)
Reviewed by miguelpais
on 20th July 2009
from scale 1 to 10, I'll give Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince an 8. two thumbs up for the animation. totally awesome. bravo!
Reviewed by heidiyota
on 20th July 2009
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" 7/10 (Really funny movie but is almost teen movie and Voldemort doesn't appear, first time)
Reviewed by brunofranco
on 20th July 2009
Harry P half blood prince- only average for the series. Not a lot happens, lots of the kids trying to snog each other! 5/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 20th July 2009
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince-8.5/10-A worthy addition to the series also, the most visually impressive HP film.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 19th July 2009
The Half Blood Prince 6/10. It's Harry Potter. Nothing new. Not the best movie in the series, not the worst.
Reviewed by vaiav
on 18th July 2009
Harry Potter 6, very high production values, incredible details in sfx, deep emotions, good stuff, a set up for the next film
Reviewed by jjuvenal
on 18th July 2009
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince 8/10 tilt +1 HP Not all parts are created equal, this is the least. Awkward, atmospheric, slow
Reviewed by adrianmateljan
on 18th July 2009
"Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince" 4.25 of 5 stars. Best HP movie yet...even if you didn't read the book! Entertaining!
Reviewed by JuniorCase
on 18th July 2009
Harry Potter 6 7.5/10 these films keep getting better. Its dark and entertaining then ends on a down note just like Empire
Reviewed by davymacca
on 17th July 2009
Just watched Harry Potter....give it a 6/10....
Reviewed by NayJay9
on 17th July 2009
Just saw Harry Potter 6. It was AMAZING!! I loved it. 10 out of 10 from me.
Reviewed by AshBash95
on 17th July 2009
Saw Harry Potter tonight, by the way. 6.5/10.
Reviewed by dirk_handsome
on 17th July 2009
Harry Potter 6 - 7.5/10 Good acting, great effects but somewhat plot-less. Definitely the calm before the storm.
Reviewed by AWartinger
on 17th July 2009
Harry Potter 6: Dumbledore is awesome, Harry is a coward, the half blood prince plot is not subtitle worth, also a lot of melodrama.. 7.5/10
Reviewed by sergio_fmat
on 17th July 2009
Watched Harry Potter today 6/10.
Reviewed by chelaxxan
on 16th July 2009
6/10 for harry potter. bit drawn out but nice to see the cast back.
Reviewed by Seanie_m
on 16th July 2009
Very surprised...the first Potter film that I thoroughly enjoyed. Visually amazing, darker, and just plain fun. 8/10*
Reviewed by drewh06
on 16th July 2009
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 6/10 Decent entry for a series that succeeds off the strength of the books.
Reviewed by justincmarble
on 15th July 2009
HP & 1/2 Blood Prince: Starts like Dr Who, followed by Star Wars on broomsticks, then Fortress of Solitude. Jolly good pastiche.
Reviewed by cochineal
on 15th July 2009