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Get Him to the Greek

19 reviews forGet Him to the Greek (2010)

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Reviews for Get Him to the Greek (19)

Just watched 'Get Him to the Greek' staring Russell Brand .. a very odd story of a musician.. had it's moments .. 6/10 ..

Get Him to the Greek (2010): P. Diddy was hilarious, Jonah Hill pukes a lot, some funny parts, but too long C+

Get Him to the Greek-Basic story with some very funny moments, weak ending. Jonah Hill and Russell Brand are superb. 7/10

Get Him To The Greek 6/10

Get Him To The Greek, 2.5/5. Not exactly the best from Apatow Productions.

Finally a good summer movie! #GetHimToTheGreek is hilarious. Russell Brand surprised me.

angiechiu22 Reviewed by angiechiu22
on 3rd July 2010

Get Him to the Greek - Brand &amp Hill get drunk &amp high. Who cares? Too much slack, lacks laughs. Brand always irritates ★★✩✩✩

Get Him To the Greek (2010) #haiku Oh Sarah Marshall / I recall more big laughs there / But a few were here

joshey Reviewed by joshey
on 24th June 2010

Take Him to the Greek is funny but not hilarious. Don't watch it in the theatres and just add it your netflix queue.

datipjar Reviewed by datipjar
on 20th June 2010

Get Him to the Greek is uneven, but has enough snortworthy moments to be worthwhile. It's a hooker with a heart of gold.

rhogroupee Reviewed by rhogroupee
on 13th June 2010

Get Him To The Greek: Puff Daddy was hilarious and Russell Brand drove a third of the audience from the theater. See it.

bmmsben Reviewed by bmmsben
on 13th June 2010

Get Him To The Greek: Really, really funny. P. Diddy is shockingly hilarious. Funniest movie I've seen in a while. Zoe Bartlett! 7.5/10

Teddroe Reviewed by Teddroe
on 10th June 2010

Just finished Get Him to the Greek it had it's ups and downs but the end was good so all together it was about a 6 out of 10

tboz1354 Reviewed by tboz1354
on 10th June 2010

"Get him to the Greek" was a drunk comedian in Friday night clothes. recommended 8/10

Ehiguy101 Reviewed by Ehiguy101
on 10th June 2010

GET HIM TO THE GREEK (2010). Directed by Nicholas Stoller. Theatre. 7/10 | #movie

bradschjoth Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 9th June 2010

Get Him to the Greek: V. funny if a bit disjointed, props to a movie that should not have worked.. not the best but worth the $

kagrrakid Reviewed by kagrrakid
on 7th June 2010

: Get Him to the Greek was good & funny, but Jeffery is kind of a dick.

cjamico Reviewed by cjamico
on 7th June 2010

Get Him to the Greek-7.5/10-The film drags too often, but it's funny nonetheless. Sean Combs is brilliant.

filmguy12 Reviewed by filmguy12
on 5th June 2010

#gethimtothegreek 8/10 hilarious. Great characters. Hilarious dialogue. The interaction between characters great. Must see!

Kfunk2020 Reviewed by Kfunk2020
on 22nd April 2010