12 reviews forAn Education (2009)
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Reviews for An Education (12)
An Education-Decent British coming of age drama with Carey Mulligan. Nothing new but well made and never dull. 6.5/10
Reviewed by markymark34
on 12th February 2011
"An Education" was top-notch. Mulligan has many oscars in her future. As the script says, character is action.
Reviewed by mmorowitz
on 13th April 2010
An Education. Hornby's wit & warmth r enfused into this coming of age film, great performances esp Mulligan & Molina. 8/10
Reviewed by TheOexperience
on 27th March 2010
The Hurt Locker and An Education have both arrived.
Reviewed by Baby_Weller
on 12th March 2010
An Education-8/10-Engaging performances make up for the occasional implausibility.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 22nd February 2010
AN EDUCATION (2009). Directed by Lone Scherfig. DVD-Rip. 8/10 | #movie
Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 29th December 2009
AN EDUCATION is an insightful film on life and well...education. Spoke to me in some way. Rating: 4/5
Reviewed by kiroshiivan
on 16th November 2009
The movie An Education tugged at the heartstrings. I'd give it a 3.75 stars out of 5. I dug.
Reviewed by toxicreine
on 15th November 2009
An Education: a really good movie if a little predictable. 4/5
Reviewed by jamesfoster
on 13th November 2009
Film review: An Education. Remarkably involving, well written film. Deserves serious awards. 5/5
Reviewed by muldoon
on 11th November 2009
An Education was a great film. Nick Hornby did a great job on screenplay 4/5 Olivia Willams from Dollhouse makes an appearance
Reviewed by Jason_Ghost
on 10th November 2009
Went and saw An Education last night. Consensus was - good, 7/10. Lead actress steals the film. (I quite liked awkward Graham too).
Reviewed by danworth
on 10th November 2009