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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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Youth in Revolt

12 reviews forYouth in Revolt (2009)

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Reviews for Youth in Revolt (12)

Youth in Revolt. We've all wanted to rebel, be someone cooler/tougher etc. Micheal Cera does it for us. Very funny 8.5/10

: Youth in Revolt was okay but Michael Cera's typical monotone character style was kind of a dick.

Youth in Revolt funny & good

Youth in Revolt - guy from superbad, very bizarre, pretty original, not massively funny but fairly amusing. 7/10

Youth in Revolt-5.5/10-The cast is appealing, but the film is a mess.

filmguy12 Reviewed by filmguy12
on 26th June 2010

YOUTH IN REVOLT (2009). Directed by Miguel Arteta. DVD. 6/10 | #movie

bradschjoth Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 17th June 2010

Youth In Revolt : good movie. the story line is interesting. but if you don't like vulgar films, don't watch it.

misstrigg Reviewed by misstrigg
on 7th June 2010

Youth in revolt 8/10 solid Michael Cera type movie!

treibercc Reviewed by treibercc
on 20th May 2010

#youthinrevolt 7/10 funny shit Micheal cera with a mustache is always a funny sight. So many stars in it. Good stuff.

Kfunk2020 Reviewed by Kfunk2020
on 4th April 2010

YOUTH IN REVOLT As you'd expect a Michael Cera comedy to be. Some jokes miss, some hit. Sweet little film. 3/5

"Youth in Revolt" was pretty funny. 8 out of 10 stars.

Youth in Revolt. Sometimes your inner voice just takes over. Funny movie, no need to turn th whole brain on while watching. 3/5

tasmanic Reviewed by tasmanic
on 10th January 2010