7 reviews forThe Proposal (2009)
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Reviews for The Proposal (7)
The Proposal! Classic! :)
Reviewed by MizUnfortunate
on 7th May 2010
The Proposal-7/10-Flawed, but charming. The chemistry between Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds make this rom-com worth watching.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 11th March 2010
The Proposal= 3.5 out of 5 A funny and well acted film that is carried solely by it's amazing cast. It made me smile..
Reviewed by mmikej24
on 10th December 2009
The #Proposal, great start died in end. Cheesy rerun of every rom com ever made! Sandra b's face, star trek like. 6/10
Reviewed by sebonamission
on 10th August 2009
The Proposal - nuts 'n bolts rom-com that's humourous but average. In no way original. Lacks conviction.
Reviewed by incongruousm
on 2nd August 2009
The proposal is one for the girls. They will love it. Ryan is hilarious, sandra is hot! Good fun though 6/10
Reviewed by nayan_
on 24th July 2009
"The Proposal" 4 out of 5 stars. Best romantic comedy so far this year! Sandra B. is back! Funny and touching a perfect combo!
Reviewed by JuniorCase
on 20th June 2009