FilmReviewFriday - Tweet-sized film reviews from Twitter

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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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The Darjeeling Limited

5 reviews forThe Darjeeling Limited (2007)

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Reviews for The Darjeeling Limited (5)

The Darjeeling Limited - 5/10.Perhaps fails by being touted as a comedy yet didn't make me laugh.Laid back entertainment but not funny.

The Darjeeling Limited-7/10-Almost too quirky for its own good, the film is worth seeing for strong performances and direction.

#darjeelinglimited 5/5 beautiful, sad, positive, true to life, gripping, hard and gental all @ the same time. A true MUST WATCH

#Review Dajiling limited, ***5, simple, stylish, effective, funny - light easy wach. Would highly recomend it!

stefano_culi Reviewed by stefano_culi
on 2nd June 2009

The Darjeeling Limited 6/10 I ♥ Wes Anderson films but its not my cuppaTea. Superbly shot not that funny, a little serious

davymacca Reviewed by davymacca
on 13th March 2009