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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

11 reviews forThe Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (2008)

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Reviews for The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (11)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Better than i expected, quite sad. Didn't like Daisy much. Thought provoking 6.5/10

Curious Case Of Benjamin Button - Pretty awesome storyline, original idea, progressively interesting pretty sweet!

miniash89 Reviewed by miniash89
on 13th June 2010

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button-8/10-An uninvolving first act and terrific second and third acts average out to a good film.

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" 7/10 (Good enough, interesting, movie. Don't get the fuss about it though ...)

Benjamin Button takes a lifetime to watch

Benjamin Button - Had everything to be perfect and visually stunning but something didn't quite work. 7/10

curious case of ben button:part titanic,part Forrest gump,good story abt life,age&fate,grt makeup,-1 4length,worth1watch,7.5/10

_B_en Reviewed by _B_en
on 31st May 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button: 7/10. A curious lesson portrayed. Brilliant make up. Unique storyline. Few flaws. Too long.

deltarx Reviewed by deltarx
on 30th May 2009

Watched the Curious Case of Benjamin Button yesterday, and enjoyed it. Very original story line and good acting. , #filmcritic

BranNubian Reviewed by BranNubian
on 29th May 2009

#movie #review: Benji Buttons - too long and unbelievable fantasy but overall C+...yes, brad's still hot.

Eve383 Reviewed by Eve383
on 8th May 2009

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button: A curious lesson portrayed. Brilliant make up. Unique storyline. Few flaws. Too long. 7/10

deltarx Reviewed by deltarx
on 21st April 2009