FilmReviewFriday - Tweet-sized film reviews from Twitter

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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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The Boat That Rocked

5 reviews forThe Boat That Rocked (2009)

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Reviews for The Boat That Rocked (5)

"Pirate Radio" is... my new favorite favorite favorite favorite movie. I think Im in love.

THE BOAT THAT ROCKED / PIRATE RADIO (2009). Directed by Richard Curtis. Blu-ray. 8/10 | #movie

bradschjoth Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 5th May 2010

Pirate Radio - Based on actual events but not real. Fun film. Great cast, great music. People may be put off by the sitcom situations 8.5/10

The boat that rocked, great movie, got the 70s flair quite good and feat. not just wonderful actors but great music 9/10

Saw 'The Boat That Rocked'. A solid 9/10. I really enjoyed it and would recommend to all. #awesome

lescturner Reviewed by lescturner
on 25th April 2009