FilmReviewFriday - Tweet-sized film reviews from Twitter

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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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The Big Lebowski

7 reviews forThe Big Lebowski (1998)

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Reviews for The Big Lebowski (7)

The Big Lebowski Find more films on demand in one place here

FindMeTV Reviewed by FindMeTV
on 23rd April 2010

Big lebowski, load of shite. Wasted about 2 hours of my life. Characters - shit, script - shit. Avoid at all costs!

The Big Lebowski 10/10 Slacker mourns rug, bowls, drives, has acid flashback (That rug really tied the room together)

Big Lebowski 10/10 You see what happens, Larry? You see what happens when you find a stranger in the alps? WATCH IT NOW!

The Big Lebowski - Witty, surreal in parts & totally indulgent. A classic due to great music & memorable scripting. ★★★★✩

The Big Lebowski-8.5/10-Great, hilarious performances make this bizzare, uneven film worth watching.

The Big Lebowski 10/10 That rug really tied the room together, did it not? the best Coen Bros movie to date.

Jayemmcee Reviewed by Jayemmcee
on 22nd May 2009