5 reviews forSynecdoche, New York (2008)
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Reviews for Synecdoche, New York (5)
Synedoche, New York. From the brain of Charlie Kaufman, strange beautiful sad movie, Phillip S. Hoffman is superb. 9.5/10
Reviewed by TheOexperience
on 30th November 2009
there are many movies I enjoy watching a great deal, but "Synecdoche, New York" is in a class of it's own. 5.0/5.0 #masterpiece
Reviewed by robertmathews
on 28th September 2009
Synecdoche, New York - 6/10: Huh? ... Loved Adaptation and Being John M but this one lost me. Am I the only klutz who missed the joke?
Reviewed by davidbrewster
on 28th May 2009
Synecdoche New York, Charlie Kaufman is a creative genius, but then I grew up, now all I hear is blah blah misery blah blah
Reviewed by jjuvenal
on 29th April 2009
Synecdoche, New York. How does Kaufman think up this stuff? Incredibly creative and yet heartbreakingly beautiful. Please discuss. 8.5/10
Reviewed by Camdun_Roar
on 26th April 2009