4 reviews forSuperbad (2007)
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Reviews for Superbad (4)
Superbad: 5/10. It's not all bad, but this isn't just the right movie for me. Not to mention that Hangover is so much better.
Reviewed by sir_Alfons
on 14th February 2010
Superbad 8/10 Super Good!
Reviewed by Jayemmcee
on 22nd May 2009
Superbad 3/10 It isn't super-bad. Just bad. Or lame. The cops were slightly amusing.
Reviewed by ihart
on 27th February 2009
Superbad 8.5/10 - Proper funny, top dialogue. Not a laugh a min but very amusing, perfectly cast for the teen movie genre
Reviewed by davymacca
on 3rd October 2008