4 reviews forSunshine Cleaning (2008)
Reviews for Sunshine Cleaning (4)
Sunshine Cleaning-8/10-Despite a little melodrama, the top-notch performances shine through. Emily Blunt steals the show.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 23rd August 2010
Sunshine Cleaning 6/10 Not a bad indie flick - but nothing too special. Emily Blunt is in it... if that helps?
Reviewed by ihart
on 18th September 2009
Sunshine Cleaning #movie 3/5, worth a rental.
Reviewed by dalhectar
on 20th April 2009
Watched Sunshine Cleaning. Somewhat uneven, the 2nd act ended 10 minutes before the film did, so things felt unresolved. 5 out of 10.
Reviewed by Camdun_Roar
on 4th April 2009