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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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State Of Play

12 reviews forState Of Play (2003)

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Reviews for State Of Play (12)

State of Play.Reporter Russell Crowe helps his congressman friend Ben Affleck after his mistress is killed. Gritty thriller 9/10

State of Play-8.5/10-Despite a few miscast actors, State of Play remains a complex, gripping thriller.

filmguy12 Reviewed by filmguy12
on 20th August 2010

Excellent movie: "State of Play". . We'll miss you someday, investigative reporting. :-(

"State of Play" (2009) - 7.0 / 10 | The movie has a great cast and is well made, but I was never on the edge of my seat #myreviews

afill7 Reviewed by afill7
on 28th July 2009

State of play 6/10 - could have been better, but still worth a watch. political thriller with some nice plot twists.

willbarron Reviewed by willbarron
on 22nd May 2009

'State of Play' 6/10 good effort, not quite on a par with the BBC series, good perf. from Crow, Mirren 2 hrs well spent overall

Can recommend 'State of Play', quite gripping in places. 7/10.

MarkDalgarno Reviewed by MarkDalgarno
on 14th May 2009

I give State of Play a 6.5 out of 10.

Chester513 Reviewed by Chester513
on 11th May 2009

Bad Scooter's Film Review - State Of Play - 6/10 - Formulaic twisty thriller, looked like a director's first film, and was.

badscooter Reviewed by badscooter
on 3rd May 2009

Just saw 'State of Play' with @gilliancarson. Really enjoyed it.

ryancarson Reviewed by ryancarson
on 24th April 2009

State of Play, like great mind candy and surprisingly relevant to issues with modern newspapers and privatizing the military

jjuvenal Reviewed by jjuvenal
on 24th April 2009

Just watched #StateOfPlay - brilliant cross between #AllThePresidentsMen and #TheParallaxView. #RussellCrowe is in top form.

arunite Reviewed by arunite
on 22nd April 2009