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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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Shrek Forever After

8 reviews forShrek Forever After (2010)

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Reviews for Shrek Forever After (8)

Shrek 4 was good, better than shrek 3 but not as good as the first 2. 6/10 #film #movie

studarby Reviewed by studarby
on 26th June 2010

Shrek the Final Chapter- A great way 2 end a series! Though not as funny as the other 3, I enjoyed it! 4 out of 5

PrimaDrea Reviewed by PrimaDrea
on 6th June 2010

Shrek 4... awesome. a lovely love story, I like ...

Shrek Forever After-6/10-Charming enough, even if it is completely unnecessary.

filmguy12 Reviewed by filmguy12
on 23rd May 2010

Shrek 4, continually amazed that the Shrek production team manages to be so creative every time around, each as good as the last

MovieJuv Reviewed by MovieJuv
on 21st May 2010

shrek forever after was okayyyy.rating is 6/10

arifazmin Reviewed by arifazmin
on 21st May 2010

♥ Shrek Forever After (3D): 8.5/10

AdelinDhivi Reviewed by AdelinDhivi
on 21st May 2010

Shrek Forever After 8.5/10. Best Shrek EVER..!! Highly recommended to wach in 3D Version.

dek_atha Reviewed by dek_atha
on 21st May 2010