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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

18 reviews forScott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)

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Reviews for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (18)

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - the odd Zelda reference aside, this is a load of fucking shite. Disappointing. 4/10

le_gazman Reviewed by le_gazman
on 2nd July 2011

Scott pilgrim vs the world - hugely stylish but lacking in substance. Felt repetitive + possibly not geeky enough. 6.5/10

takerdemon Reviewed by takerdemon
on 22nd April 2011

Scott Pilgrim vs The World. fun with a capital F. Loved the video game theme, v funny, vegan police scene hilarious 10/10

Scott Pilgrim vs The World 6/10 Some funny moments and geeky-cool action. Felt most the characters could be better cast.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - 7/10, had a headache through which may have effected my judgement! Geekiest film ever (plus point)

Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Superb comic book translation if a little over done. Engaging, original & very funny ★★★★✩

#ScottPilgrim vs the World-Comic book violence mixed with romance, comedy and 80s video games. Well worth a watch. 7/10

Saw #scottpilgremvstheworld last night it was very good, funny, silly and lots of fights 7/10.

"Scott Pilgrim" rocked. Definitely worth the big screen experience. Great music & comic/gaming FX. Lotta fun.

westerad Reviewed by westerad
on 22nd August 2010

SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD (2010). Directed by @EdgarWright. Theatre. 9/10 | #movie

watched Scott Pilgrim vs the World last night. Good blend of game graphics & animation without being cheesy. 4/5

eleonor Reviewed by eleonor
on 18th August 2010

"Scott pilgrim vs the world" felt short in the way that i never wanted it to end. loved it! very funny! neat what as left out

megdryden Reviewed by megdryden
on 16th August 2010

Saw Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Now you don't have to.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World-8/10-Not Edgar Wright's best film, but it's still a lot of fun. What's with the Coke Zero plugs?

filmguy12 Reviewed by filmguy12
on 15th August 2010

: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World was awesome but I'm kind of a dick. (for questioning whether it would be good or not) #TeamKnives

cjamico Reviewed by cjamico
on 14th August 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs the World 4/5 - Never read the comic but the game geek in me LOVES the energy & inventiveness of this flick!

#Scottpilgrim was completely awesome. Fun ass film. Hilarious. Great concepts. Can't wait to rewatch it. Again and again. 9/10

Kfunk2020 Reviewed by Kfunk2020
on 13th August 2010

Scott Pilgrim v World, grew up with the original NES Zelda & Street Fighter so I thoroughly enjoyed this flick, great story too

MovieJuv Reviewed by MovieJuv
on 13th August 2010