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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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6 reviews forMilk (2008)

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Reviews for Milk (6)

Milk 8/10 Really interesting to watch this kind of gay prejudice from (only) 30 years ago. Well acted. No cows though.

ihart Reviewed by ihart
on 26th January 2010

Milk-8/10-A compelling, albeit overrated biopic. Sean Penn's performance alone makes the film worth seeing.

filmguy12 Reviewed by filmguy12
on 31st July 2009

Milk: 7/10. One of the better true story movies. Well depicted. Oscar worthy acting by Sean Penn. Questions..

true_stories Reviewed by true_stories
on 23rd May 2009

Milk: 7/10. One of the better true story movies. Well depicted. Oscar worthy acting by Sean Penn. Questions your morals.

deltarx Reviewed by deltarx
on 23rd May 2009

Milk, little long & boring but very sweet & sad movie. Harvey Milk seemed like a really awesome guy

emersony Reviewed by emersony
on 14th May 2009

milk, gay man political career, need 2b open, disappointing, 2 long @ 2h9m, impressive filmography, Penn very good, end+1 5/10

benjiejr Reviewed by benjiejr
on 3rd May 2009