7 reviews forMemento (2000)
Reviews for Memento (7)
Recommended > Memento 9/10
Reviewed by udnhz
on 13th January 2012
: Memento (2000), Directing=10, Acting=10, Recollection=9, Technical=10, Screenplay=8 -> DARTS=9.4
Reviewed by MovieDARTS
on 24th August 2010
Btw 'Memento' 9.99/10 >> cerca d la perfección, dsd Fight Club o American Psycho no m emocionaba tanto con una peli #IveDoneIt
Reviewed by JoseManuelT
on 23rd August 2010
Memento-9.5/10-One of Christopher Nolan's first films is also one of his best. The cast is great and the twist ending is superb.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 31st July 2010
Memento. Because it's amazing and what I'm about to watch it. Thanks @vickytcobra for the idea!
Reviewed by HoddieMaine
on 9th April 2010
Memento: 8/10. It's like watching a movie wrong end forward. Nice concept. Difficult to grasp if you miss a link. Leaves you thinking.
Reviewed by deltarx
on 31st May 2009
Watched #Memento tonight. Interesting, cool concept but you really gotta stay focused all the time to enjoy it.
Reviewed by BabsiS
on 26th May 2009