4 reviews forLooking for Eric (2009)
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Reviews for Looking for Eric (4)
Looking for Eric 8/10.Put off by eric cantona starring in it but it turns out it has little to do with football.
Reviewed by richardstelmach
on 4th January 2011
Looking for Eric-7/10-British dramedy falls apart in the third act, but features excellent performances from the entire cast.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 4th January 2011
Looking for Eric has to be one of the worst British Films ever made. It was worse than awful. How did Cannes pick it. Minus20000/10
Reviewed by fp30e
on 13th June 2009
Just saw 'Looking for Eric' deffinate 8/10!
Reviewed by LiamBushby
on 12th June 2009