FilmReviewFriday - Tweet-sized film reviews from Twitter

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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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Let The Right One In

6 reviews forLet The Right One In (2008)

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Reviews for Let The Right One In (6)

Let The Right One In the original version, subtitles and all an understated horror worth watching 8/10

Let The Right One In the original version, subtitles and all an understated horror romance worth watching 8/10

Let The Right One In. The best vampire movie you will ever see. This storm is a perfect night for it.

Let The Right One In 8/10 Wonderfully subtle & emotive film with some beautiful storytelling.

ihart Reviewed by ihart
on 16th August 2010

Let The Right One In 8.5/10 Wow, a movie from sweden thats well made..

paul_andrew Reviewed by paul_andrew
on 5th June 2009

Watched Let the Right One In. Gorgeous Swedish Vampire Love Story. 9 out of 10