FilmReviewFriday - Tweet-sized film reviews from Twitter

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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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Jennifer's Body

6 reviews forJennifer's Body (2009)

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Reviews for Jennifer's Body (6)

Jennifers Body =2/5 Witt/humor & bad directing combined with horror does not a good movie make. Mediocre from start to finish.

mmikej24 Reviewed by mmikej24
on 18th May 2010

Jennifer's Body- Megan Fox turns into a killer! The problem is she is so hot would you care if she was evil? Nope! 4/10 #teaMeganFox

Jennifer's Body. She's evil - not just high school evil - and that's all 4/10 'You give me such a wetty' #Not

mcunnington Reviewed by mcunnington
on 8th March 2010

In case anyones wondering, 'Jennifers body' would get 4/10. Well, its on a similar street to Black Sheep. Only maybe less funny.

Ok so jennifers body is truly awful. 0.5 degress here tonight, I would rather have sat butt naked in that than sat thru that movie!

Oh, Jennifers Body was actually a good film. Not brilliant, but Megan Fox plays a great "scary" kind of role. 7/10