16 reviews forHot Tub Time Machine (2010)
Reviews for Hot Tub Time Machine (16)
Hot Tub Time Machine. 7/10 One of the most ridiculous films I've seen, but it surprised me. Some good 80's references.
Reviewed by ChrisYaxley
on 1st July 2011
Hot Tub Time Machine - 8/10 - pretty funny and Cusack is pretty much my hero sooo, enjoyable. Best viewed with alcohol intake
Reviewed by richardstelmach
on 12th October 2010
hot tub time machine - worst film ever - seriously john cusack WTF. Unfunny comedy 2/10
Reviewed by minniepk17
on 7th October 2010
Just watched 'HOT TUB TIME MACHINE' ... was way better than expected... nice guest appearance from Chevy Chase .. 8/10 ..
Reviewed by REAL_Ian_Morris
on 12th September 2010
"Hot Tube Machine"...Hilarious..rate : 8/10
Reviewed by angganugrahaa
on 29th August 2010
Hot Tub Time Machine: not as bad as the title implies. Plus it has @robcorddry Recommend pairing the movie with beer.
Reviewed by JenniferBylok
on 2nd July 2010
Hot Tub Time Machine 3/10. Tried to be like The Hangover - failed. Only counted about two laughs.
Reviewed by jesuevalle
on 9th May 2010
Hot Tub Time Machine-7/10-Back to the Future meets The Hangover. More amusing than hilarious, but still memorable.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 24th April 2010
: Hot Tub time machine was a children's story laced with porno. The story was crap and the characters sucked.
Reviewed by saullawl
on 10th April 2010
Reasons to see Hot Tub Time Machine: Funny, Crass, Crispin Glover, Road Not Taken, Crass, Funny.
Reviewed by scenttrail
on 2nd April 2010
She's Out Of My League > Hot Tub Time Machine #fact
Reviewed by matt__harris
on 2nd April 2010
#hottubtimemachine a 7/10 funny but not as funny as I hyped it up to be in my mind. still a gooden thou
Reviewed by Kfunk2020
on 2nd April 2010
: Hot Tub Time Machine- pretty funny for what it is... & definitely more enjoyable if one can remember the 80s. cc @virtualTodd
Reviewed by ggroovin
on 30th March 2010
: Hot Tub Time Machine was great (hilarious) but Chevy Chase "was kind of a dick." This movie provided the review. Haha
Reviewed by cjamico
on 27th March 2010
HOT TUB TIME MACHINE (2010). Directed by Steve Pink. Theatre. 6/10 | #movie
Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 27th March 2010
Hot Tub Time Machine: pretty funny, nice homage to 80's and time travel movies! Really good deliveries, overall very fun
Reviewed by kagrrakid
on 3rd March 2010