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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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Dragonball Evolution

7 reviews forDragonball Evolution (2009)

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Reviews for Dragonball Evolution (7)

Dragonball Evolution 2/10 Props for getting across elements of the source, but Dragonball just don't work as live action.

"Dragonball: Evolution" 5/10 (I don't understand why these live action adaptations of anime series tend to always suck so bad :\)

luiSousa Reviewed by luiSousa
on 25th June 2009

Dragonball: Evolution: MEXICO

bburbank Reviewed by bburbank
on 28th April 2009

Dragon Ball: Evolution: you will watch this whole fucking movie.

bburbank Reviewed by bburbank
on 28th April 2009

Dragonball Evolution: A movie for people with krillins.

jacksauce Reviewed by jacksauce
on 28th April 2009

"Dragonball Evolution" 1.5 out of 5 stars. If you are a diehard fan go see the movie, otherwise ... skip it. Please no sequel!

JuniorCase Reviewed by JuniorCase
on 14th April 2009

Saw Dragonball, cause I've read the manga, kept the funness, but not a *great* movie. Cool tidbit produced by Stephen Chow

jjuvenal Reviewed by jjuvenal
on 13th April 2009