FilmReviewFriday - Tweet-sized film reviews from Twitter

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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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Crazy Heart

6 reviews forCrazy Heart (2009)

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Reviews for Crazy Heart (6)

Crazy Heart. Really enjoyable, not a new story but beautifully acted by Bridges, great music 8.5/10

Crazy Heart had some great shots, great music, great acting (from Jeff), BUT it was not as good as The Big Lebowski.

jElliottIV Reviewed by jElliottIV
on 29th July 2010

Crazy Heart is way too easy to make fun of. Plus his pants are undone 98% of the time.

jElliottIV Reviewed by jElliottIV
on 29th July 2010

Crazy Heart 9/10. Wow, Jeff and Maggie were truly great in this one.

vaiav Reviewed by vaiav
on 24th March 2010

Crazy Heart-8.5/10-A familiar story/structure is the only weak link of an otherwise compelling drama. Jeff Bridges is superb.

CRAZY HEART (2009). Directed by Scott Cooper. Theatre. 10/10 | #movie