19 reviews forCoraline (2008)
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Reviews for Coraline (19)
Coraline 8/10 Funny, freaky, scary, visually stunning, charming and disturbing enough to make kids need therapy
Reviewed by davymacca
on 28th January 2010
just saw Coraline - what a great flick. spooky & beautiful. 5/5 stars
Reviewed by Lil_MsMazzeo
on 7th November 2009
Coraline 2009 3D BluRay. I give 4 out of 5 Very scary for a kids film, the 3D was amazing! I Recommend watching the 3D version!
Reviewed by cdoney77
on 17th October 2009
Coraline - Unhappy child seeks comfort in parallel world. Beautiful, creepy & quite charming. Touch derivative. ★★★✩✩
Reviewed by incongruousm
on 16th October 2009
Coraline = 4 out of 5 A dark & slightly twisted tale from Neil Gaimans amazing book that will be enjoyable for kids/adults alike
Reviewed by mmikej24
on 15th October 2009
Coraline-8/10-Spectacular 3D animation overshadows a middling screenplay.
Reviewed by filmguy12
on 12th October 2009
Just watched the stop-motion "Coraline". Excellent animation, great story, and quite scary actually! Highly recommended.
Reviewed by sampalahnuk
on 5th October 2009
Coraline 7/10 You can pause this film on any frame and it looks gorgeous. Gets more surreal and interesting as it goes.
Reviewed by SeriousStu
on 15th September 2009
Coraline: Amazingly done. Great story and I love that they used real things to animate it!
Reviewed by bmmsben
on 11th August 2009
Coraline - part 2: story turns dark & intense ala Burton. Even reminded me of Japanese filmmaker Miyazaki. Excellent. 8.5/10
Reviewed by _B_en
on 6th August 2009
Coraline: This is the best that mankind can do.
Reviewed by jacksauce
on 4th August 2009
CORALINE (2009). Directed by Henry Selick. Blu-ray. 7/10 | #movie
Reviewed by bradschjoth
on 28th July 2009
Coraline: You're going to see it anyway, so do I need to tell you how awesome and pretty it is?
Reviewed by cochineal
on 21st July 2009
Coraline 7/10 A beautifully haunting little tale. Stop motion with dolls... Me like!
Reviewed by saint_anderson
on 22nd June 2009
Coraline 8/10 A beautifully haunting little tale. Stop motion with dolls at it's best.
Reviewed by saint_anderson
on 22nd June 2009
Coraline 3D - Great animation and 3D-ness, really eerie and scary for kids though. Kinda weird but kinda good ★★★☆☆
Reviewed by bbeckford
on 12th May 2009
Watched Coraline this evening, I'm not sure the 3D is worth the extra £1.50 but it's a good enough film to hold it's own anyway 7.5/10
Reviewed by jonjon69
on 11th May 2009
@28gorillas Coraline (3D) was really good (8/10) even a bit scary at one point. Great for 8-12 yr-olds
Reviewed by supersense
on 5th May 2009
Coraline 3d. Good film liked it. suprised at use of word 'crap' in it though! Thought 3D wasn't as good as bolt. 7/10
Reviewed by theknickermafia
on 4th May 2009