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#FilmReviewFriday Star Wars 8/10 Despite the prequels, this is still a classic. Empire is better though.

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7 reviews forBrothers (2009)

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Reviews for Brothers (7)

Brothers-7.5/10-A drama that's both manipulative and powerful. Thankfully, the latter outweighs the former.

filmguy12 Reviewed by filmguy12
on 22nd August 2010

Brothers 8/10. Amazing. You gotta respect the sacrifices people in the military make for us. The mental toll on them is sad.

bill_wilkie Reviewed by bill_wilkie
on 1st April 2010

Brothers I recommend. Good performances & direction. Was expecting a little more drama.

: Brothers: Some scenes hit home, but overall it leaves much to desired. The original looks better. C+

- #Brothers - WIth Toby, Jake and Natalie. Well acted, heavy drama. Who knew Toby had that performance in him. ***1/2

gcam77 Reviewed by gcam77
on 23rd March 2010

Step Brothers-7.5/10-Really nothing more than a series of silly SNL sketches, but it's incredibly funny.

filmguy12 Reviewed by filmguy12
on 8th March 2010

BROTHERS Sterling acting from Gyllenhaal, Maguire, Portman and the 2 daughters in this affecting well-scripted family drama. 4/5